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Cost Management Services

BCIT has a proven modularised approach to base lining existing IT infrastructure services which can identify suboptimal usage of networking and compute/ storage resources, demonstrating service consolidation/ optimisation opportunities and assisting strategic decisions around cloud hosting vs an in-house approach.


We then correlate live services to vendor invoices, identifying current and historical billing anomalies, providing hard evidence to enable clients to pursue vendor rebates and reduce future charges. 

All of the above provides you with the capability to significantly reduce your operating costs.


Module 1 – Infrastructure/Analytics: Innovation and service alignment to reduce cost


Typically branch office, covering IT, Contract Alignment

Module 2 – Wan Optimisation and Telecoms spend analysis


Capacity vs utilisation, availability vs requirement, cost benefit analysis


Module 3 – Data Centre Analytics: Challenge & Recalibrate costs 


Review/Challenge & Re-calibrate Data Centre Service charges, eliminate lock-ins

Module 4 – Utility Based Sourcing Model: PAYG Sourcing


Fill the gaps created by Staff/Management/Supply chain changes

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