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The staff at BCIT have decades of experience in designing, implementing and supporting networks in some of the largest global financial institutions.


Our experience in the demanding investment banking sector gives us an understanding of the importance of uptime, reliability, scalability and performance in some of the most business critical high volume/ low latency environments. 


Not being tied to any particular vendor gives us the ability to select products from the broad spectrum available to ensure that your solution is truly bespoke and will perform exactly to your specification.


We have extensive experience in telecommunications carrier management, with an intimate understanding of how carriers work, coupled with long established relationships with carriers at senior level. Consequently we are well positioned to assist with circuit/ service provisioning and help mitigate some of the 'blockers' that frequently arise causing project delays.


We are particularly busy providing innovation to challenging business environments where existing processes and products simply can't get the business connected quickly enough. Leveraging LTE services and channel bonding, VPN/ SDWAN technology we are able to bring sites online sometimes months before carriers are able to deliver fixed links.


Whether it be a new network, enhancements, support or provisioning challenges we will be able to act as your trusted advisor to ensure a favourable outcome.





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